Take the Wheel And Put Your Mind in the Back Seat Where It Belongs
I often hear people speak as if they are at the mercy of their mind – like their mind is the driver that has control of their car and...

An Entrepreneur’s Gym Workout for the 3.0 World - Exercising Body, Mind and Intuition in a Single Wo
For some time I’ve leveraged my gym training for reflection, meditation and to access intuition. I’ve found exercise to be a great...

Intuition - 8 Things I Learned As A Business Executive Developing My Intuition.
The following are a few things I have learned about intuition while researching the subject over the last decade and working as an...

There Is No "But" In Business
Some time ago I had an experience with a potential client who was very bright and enthusiastic yet brought up a number of significant red...

Reduce Stress and Improve Flow by Riding The Wave
I find that the success of businesses is related to how well business leaders ride the wave or in Jim Morrison’s case ‘ride the snake’....

What You Need To Know To Sell Your Business On Exceptional Terms
The following is an excerpt of the article which is almost 6,000 words which you can read in PDF format here. Selling or buying a...

Create Business Leverage With An Exceptional SWOT Analysis
The basic SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis is universally used to identify, analyze and prioritize issues in...

PowerPoint Business Plan - Really?
For a long time I abhorred business executives using MS PowerPoint to create company presentations and calling them business plans. For...

Create Business Leverage Through Coopetition (Co-opetition)
“Coopetition (also spelled co-opetition) goes beyond competition and cooperation, combining the advantages of both. It develops win-win...

Create Business Leverage By Making Decisions When The Time Is Right
One of the principles I learned early while being trained to implement Sales & Operations Planning was to not make decisions until you...