Improve Decision Making Using Edward De Bono's Six Thinking FramesEdward De Bono’s book Six Frames: For Thinking About Information addresses the way people think in the process of decision making and...
Selling Your Business Tip #1 - Net Working CapitalNet Working Capital is subject to highly varied interpretations and can often be a source of confusion and contention in the negotiation...
Wise Business Advisors - Every Frodo Needs a GandalfRecently I was inspired to revisit the Lord of The Rings trilogy and noted how to me there were many similarities between the hero’s...
What You Need To Know To Sell Your Business On Exceptional TermsThe following is an excerpt of the article which is almost 6,000 words which you can read in PDF format here. Selling or buying a...
Create Business Leverage With An Exceptional SWOT AnalysisThe basic SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis is universally used to identify, analyze and prioritize issues in...
PowerPoint Business Plan - Really?For a long time I abhorred business executives using MS PowerPoint to create company presentations and calling them business plans. For...
Create Confidence and Trust with a Shareholders Agreement (SHAG)Whether you have many or only two or three shareholders, I highly recommend a simple shareholders agreement (SHAG) to start your business...